Sunday, 23 February 2014

D.I.Y. Dreamcatcher

Hi guys. Today, I have tried, for the first time, to make a dreamcatcher.
A friend of mine taught me a while ago and I thought I should give it a try and show you.

You will need:
  • Something circular, like wire or a thin bracelet. I've used a piece of rolled card, which was not the best ideia, I must say
  • Thread. You can use wool or a piece of string
  • Beads. Now, this is optional. If you want, you can leave your dreamcatcher simple. I added beads but you can use feathers or fake flowers
  • Scissors to cut the string.

The basic stitch is very simple, and I found an image that explains it in a good way

My main advise at this stage is that you have to be sure everything is secure and tight. The string can't be loose or else your dreamcatcher won't be simetrical and the final result won't be pretty to see.

I had a difficult time doing my dreamcatcher because I let the string loose so, when I finished it and was about to do a final knot, it was really ugly. It was wobbly and insecure.
When I tried to correct it, it was hard as hell. But I've made it! *clap,clap,clap*

The beads are quite simple to insert. If you try to make a circle with them, like I did, think twice. It wont be a beautiful perfect circle but it will still be pretty. I would recomend to just put the beads wherever you feel like, where you think it looks nice.

If you want to hang it just attach a thread to it (I didn't do it though) and...tcharam!

I hope you liked it. I know it isn't very good or cute but it was my first try, and I think it looks nice even if it is simple.
Let me know in the comments if you try to make one yourself!


  1. This is so clever! Ill have to try it!

    Cute blog :)

    1. I hope you have more success than I had!
      Thank you :)
